quinta-feira, setembro 29, 2005

Nasci na década errada?

Prefiro a versão original de "Smells like teen spirit" de Paul Anka à dos Nirvana.
posted by elisa, 09:22 < | link | 3 comments |

quarta-feira, setembro 21, 2005


Já actualizei a lista de blogs. Espero não me ter esquecido de ninguém!
posted by elisa, 16:48 < | link | 1 comments |

Um ano

imagem descaradamente roubada do blog Diário de Lisboa

O meu blog faz um ano hoje.
Há um ano, decidi tentar a experiência sem saber exactamente o que esperar, de mim, do meu blog, dos outros e do blog dos outros.
Cheguei à conclusão que este meu canto era apenas um depósito de ideias, de pensamentos, de coisas que me marcaram e não queria deixar cair no esquecimento.
Não de tudo, porque há coisas que devem ser relembradas à custa de esforços de memórias e mantidas longe de tudo e de todos. Acho eu.
Mas o melhor desta experiência são certamente os outros e os outros blogs. Gosto de todas as janelas abertas sobre outros mundos, sobre outras expressões. Gosto de olhar lá para fora e de fzer parte desta manta de humanidade que me parece ser a blogosfera.

Por isso, o meu blog deseja, neste 1º aniversário, que a lista de blogs a visitar seja actualizada.
Seja feita a sua vontade!

Obrigada a todos pelas visitas e pelo carinho!
Beijinhos e abraços:)!
posted by elisa, 15:55 < | link | 11 comments |

sexta-feira, setembro 16, 2005

A propósito da inauguração da linha amarela...

Quando passar a andar de metro, vou ter saudades dos vidros abertos na auto-estrada, do vento a despentear-me e de cantar alto acompanhada pelo rádio aos berros.

Mas talvez consiga ir a ler.
posted by elisa, 15:14 < | link | 3 comments |

terça-feira, setembro 13, 2005


Ainda há sol nesta agonia de verão, nostalgia na minha obstinação em vestir o casaco.
Se é para acabares já, nem te quero mais sentir.
Venha o vento, venha o arrepio, venham as cores empalidecidas e o sol a arredar-se.
Mas deixa que se imprimam em mim as memórias que me levarão até ti outra vez.
posted by elisa, 15:24 < | link | 3 comments |

quarta-feira, setembro 07, 2005

Será tudo isso verdade?:)!

You Know You're Portuguese When....

Your mother or grandmother has Maria in her name.

You have a rooster napkin holder.

Your father or grandfather is called Manuel, José Antonio, or João㯮

You have crocheted doilies on your kitchen counters, dining room, living room, bedroom--on all your tables.

You decorate your walls with plates.

Your house is a mini church with just as may statues of saints and Jesus as your church itself.

You're 25 and still living with your parents. (Extra points if you're married and living with your spouse in your parent's house)

You warn other drivers of police on the highway by flashing your lights, even though one of the drivers might have just robbed a bank.

You baptize your child and send him to catechism even though you might never go to church except for weddings and funerals.

You think all university graduates should be called "Doutor" and like to be called so if you are one of the chosen few who have managed to finish college.

You park on the sidewalk when necessary, even asking the person standing there to please move away.

You have a mobile phone and spend a small fortune on it, but think twice about going to the dentist.

You have a mother or grandmother who wears black.

You spend your holidays in Spain instead of in Portugal because it is cheaper.

If you are a woman, you have been to see a "curandeiro" (healer) or have had your fortune told.

You insist you wouldn't be caught dead buying Spanish olive oil even though most of the olive oil consumed in Portugal comes from Spain.

You laugh at jokes about the Alentejanos but get angry to know that the same jokes are told in Brazil about the Portuguese.

You think that you can catch a cold with a draft or by sitting in the spring sun. Cold drinks are also thought to bring on the dreadful "gripe". And don't let anyone have a shower after eating as something terrible could happen to them.

You get a letter from your doctor saying you can't work because of an "unspecified, ongoing medical condition" and then go on a two-week holiday.

Your child's teacher misses two weeks (because of a letter from his or her doctor) and you don't complain because you also will use the same doctor when you have to miss two weeks from your work.

If you are from Porto you don't like people from Lisbon and call them Moors. The reverse is also true but they don't call you a nice word like "Moor".

You think Brazilians speak incorrect Portuguese and will not read a book written in Brazilian Portuguese.

The last major military victory you can remember your country having was the Battle of Aljubarrota in 1385.

You say that the Portuguese, unlike the Spanish, are good at learning foreign languages.

Your parents own like 9 houses in Portugal but complain about the lack of money in the States.

Going to Portugal involves buying gifts for all 500 members of your family

You go crazy for the World Cup

You refer to Portugal as "O Continent"

You've walked in "as paradas" longer than you can remember

You have grape vines in your backyard

You earned over $10,000 for your first communion.

To hell with the Turkey and Roast Beef! X-mas dinner was bacalhau au braz, baby!

A barbeque does not consist of burgers on the grill... Hello! Can you say sardinhas?

You've had your license for a month, but your $20,000 car has been "hooked up" for a year. I'm talking rims, tints, a system...

A wooden spoon equals discipline, or if you ever had to duck so you wouldn't get hit with flying shoes.

Your parents anticipate that you'll marry your first long-term boyfriend/girlfriend.

When you hear the word "Sagres" you think Beer, not historical marine school.

Nothing beats a buttered papo-seco.

Your 15 year old brother is allowed to have two girls sleep over, but your 19 year old sister can't go out past 7pm.

You think that 2am is too early to go to bed and that 11am is to early to get out of bed.

Your grandmother tells you look sick because you are too thin.

Your parents make you eat 3 servings of dinner at each sitting otherwise they think you don't like the cooking.

You're proud to be Portuguese - and you pass these jokes on to all your Portuguese friends!

Get Your Own "You Know You're" Meme Here

More cool things for your blog at
posted by elisa, 16:44 < | link | 5 comments |

A vida secreta das abelhas - Sue Monk Kidd

Regressei agora mesmo da viagem em que embarquei ao abrir este livro. A escrita é leve, solta, certeira: fala directamente ao coração. Retrata amores e ódios, abandonos, crescimento, vidas e mortes...sem esquecer as abelhas, é claro! Nem o mel e a doçura que existe em cada um de nós.
Recomendo vivamente.
posted by elisa, 15:29 < | link | 0 comments |